(14.1.1877 – 15.10.1969)
Timeline of Axel Haartman’s life
Axel Haartman travelled a great deal and lived abroad in Florence, Rome and Paris on several occasions in his life. The Haartmans spent more than a year in Italy on their honeymoon in 1898–1900. He worked as an illustrator and designed book covers, textile patterns, ceramic stoves, and furniture. Besides art reviews, he also wrote travelogues of his journeys to Paris and Spain as a journalist. In the early twentieth century, he participated in several group exhibitions in Finland, Berlin and Paris. In the 1930s and 1940s, he had his own exhibitions at venues such as gallery Hörhammer, Salon Strindberg and Turku Art Museum.

Axel August Haartman was born in his great-grandmother’s house at Piispankatu 14 in Turku.
The family moved to Turku. Axel started studying at the Finnish Art Society’s Drawing School in Turku at the age of twelve.
Childhood at Saustila manor in Sauvo and in Halikko in southwestern Finland.
Studied at P. S. Kröyer’s private academy in Copenhagen.
Studied at P. S. Kröyer’s private academy in Copenhagen.
Married Hedvig Stolpe (1874–1967).
Lived in Florence and Rome in Italy.

Studied with Wassily Kandinsky in Munich. Spent several periods living and studying in Paris.
Worked as teacher at Turku Drawing School with Victor Westerholm. Art reviewer for the local paper Åbo Underrättelser until 1914.
Spent three months living in Spain.
Issued a collection of short stories entitled Spegeln (The mirror) under the name Axel Gabriels.
Stopped painting. Spent the next ten years mainly working as a journalist and art dealer. Wrote art reviews in the newspapers Dagens Press and Hufvudstadsbladet. Later became editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Veckans Krönika. In 1916 he also wrote the history of the first 25 years of the Turku Art Society.
Worked at the art gallery Stenmans Konstsalong in Helsinki, where art dealer Gösta Stenman (1888–1947) was a prime figure in modern art dealing in Finland and Sweden.
Returned to painting. Moved to Naantali with his wife, Hedvig. Became the curator of Turku Art Museum, a post he held for thirty years. Member of Naantali city council until 1950.

Had Casa Haartman built in Naantali by the famous Turku architect Erik Bryggman.
Arranged sculptor Wäinö Aaltonen’s first one-man show abroad in Stockholm.
Issued the collection of short stories Det röda glaset (The red glass).
Appointed honorary professor.
Retired from the art museum.
Died on 15.10.1969 in Naantali at the age of 92.